A Legal Disclaimer
By utilizing Laura Smith-Riva's services, participants waive and release, indemnify, hold harmless, and forever
discharge Natural Dreamwork with Laura Smith-Riva, Laura Smith-Riva, and their agents,
representatives, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, debts, expenses, causes of
action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind and nature, whether known or unknown,
arising from or in any way related to the work we are doing with dreams, provided that this waiver of
liability does not apply to any acts of gross negligence, or intentional, willful, or wanton misconduct.
Participants understand that the work with dreams is a learning experience and spiritual exploration. They also
understand that working with dreams can lead to uncomfortable feelings and emotions such as fear,
pain, sadness, anger, and shame, and that these feelings may continue even after my work with
dreams is concluded. They know that Laura Smith-Riva is not credentialed as a physician, counselor,
therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist or social worker; has no licenses or degrees entitling her to do
professional work or counseling in the fields of psychology, or mental or emotional health; and cannot
prescribe medications. Participants understand that they are engaged in an exploration of dreams and not a
therapeutic treatment.
Participants assume any risk, and take full responsibility and waive any claims of personal injury,
death, or damage to personal property arising out of their work with dreams. Participants undertake to monitor
and safeguard their own physical, mental, and emotional health, and to consult immediately with a
qualified physician or other professional if they experience thoughts of suicide, or physical, emotional, or
mental distress that may warrant medication or treatment.
Upon entering into dreamwork with Laura Smith-Riva, participants will be asked to sign a Waiver and Release which outlines the details provided above.