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I view dreamwork as a natural extension of the human capacity for intuitive knowing and self healing. I did not come to this work as a result of a desire to follow dreams, but rather was born into it out of the crucible of the difficult work of healing my own personal traumas and wounding along with a willingness to follow the synchronicities that carried me forward towards that healing. I’ve written quite extensively on my personal blog about my personal journey, but in a nutshell, I was moving through the world in a state of numbness, a kind of pathological independence devoid of trust and blocked from the capacity to be vulnerable in relationships with others. 


From all outward appearances, I was generally viewed as moderately successful in career, an adventurous soul not afraid to take risks, a lover and a fiercely independent, fun loving Leo. But this was a veneer, the hard shell of the survivor which kept me in a half-life state of being. This veneer began to crumble a couple of decades ago and my true journey began when I entered into recovery from addiction and began to see just how much I had isolated myself emotionally and spiritually. 


In 2006, I had some profound dreams and through a series of synchronicities connected with a small group of people who began to teach me the importance of paying attention to the powerful messages, teachings and healings that are available through the contemplation of dream images and the associated feelings. I discovered a deep desire to express this work through art and creativity. I found this work so powerful, that I began to feel a longing to share it with others. 

raindrop image


Throughout my life, I have nurtured and felt a strong connection to the natural world. I was always drawn to nature based and “shamanic” practices and, out of a desire to pursue this in a way that was not appropriative, I discovered Druidry, a spiritual practice connected to my own Celtic ancestral roots. My work with the Green Mountain Druid School has further enhanced my understanding of how dreams and creativity exist as part of the web of the natural world. I am very interested in exploring the individual's connection to the natural world through dreams, and in developing dream-inspired, nature-based practices designed to support, enliven and deepen the dream wisdom. 


I am personally also very interested in working with kindred queer folk to explore the utilization of dream wisdom in explorations of identity. I have found some amazing teachers and friends, both human and non-human along the path, and the journey continues!

“Say not, I have found the pathof the soul. Say rather,I have met the soulwalking upon my path.”~ Khalil Gibran

"Each and every night, we all enter into this ancient, magical place where anything is possible and the truth of who we are is waiting to be discovered."

~ Laura Smith-Riva

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