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A Life of Work, Mission, and Vision...

Laura Smith-Riva, a certified practitioner of Natural Dreamwork and practicing Druid of the Green Mountain Druid Order combines a love of the natural world and creativity with a deep commitment to the wisdom of dreams to offer one-on-one dream consultations to individuals in the US and abroad. She teaches and mentors dreamwork practitioners and teaches about dreams and creativity through the Studio for Movement, Arts & Therapies in Bangalore India. She is a former member of the board of directors for Dreamland Sanctuary and is a founding member of The Natural Dream as well as New England Regional Representative for the International Association for the Study of Dreams.   

Laura practices Natural Dreamwork through the cultivation of a dream practice based on the natural healing qualities found in dreams inherent in the sacred objects, symbols, creatures and archetypes that populate the dream landscape. She compassionately creates space for the dreamer to delve deeply into the images and feelings of the dream to find their authenticity, voice, passion and creativity. In addition, Laura brings her personal experience to support individuals in the areas of queer/trans identity, addiction recovery and adoption related issues and firmly believes in the dream’s ability to help us with core wounding and trauma.

Laura lives in the mysterious Green Mountains of Vermont with her partner of 28 years. Outside the dream realm, you can find her painting or writing in her studio, connecting to the healing energy of the earth, snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking, or engaged in laughter and general mayhem with friends and family on various parts of the globe. 

She regularly blogs about her journey through dreams and vision work on the dream blog In Search of Puella and her dream-inspired artwork and writing have been featured in several publications and e-zines.

"The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest, most intimate sanctum of the soul..." ~ Carl Gustav Jung

portal to the moon image

Natural Dreamwork Pracitioner

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